By Rhoda Okoh and Vincess Okushi
The West African Civil Society Forum (FOSCAO) has rejected military intervention against the Republic of Niger and urged ECOWAS to implore a peaceful resolution in the interest of the citizens.
A communique by the forum on 21st August 2023 noted that the country is already faced with terrorism and insecurity adding that any military intervention would cause chaos and risk of proliferation of weapons in the coastal countries.
It noted that this may result in a second Lybia which will expose the entire region to another form of colonization by external forces waiting for an opportunity to strike.
The forum said they have closely
followed the political crisis in Niger that gave rise to the military coup of July 26, 2023, which led to the overthrow of the elected President MOHAMMED BAZOUM.
Article 58 of the
revised ECOWAS Treaty has provisions for regional security and that ECOWAS has had a conflict prevention framework (CPCC, ECPF) since 2008, and Article 13 of The revised ECOWAS Treaty created the ECOWAS parliament composed of deputies from all ECOWAS countries.
ECOWAS Member States are required to comply with international and regional legal instruments, including the ECOWAS Protocol on Democracy and Good Governance” and the“African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Good Governance (ACDEG)” Regional Agreements. Reaffirming its deepest concerns at the too many unresolved problems plaguing the region and negatively affecting the lives of citizens:
WACSOF Calls upon ECOWAS and all stakeholders to respect the existing legal instruments and conflicts
prevention frameworks and to favor peaceful resolution methods such as good offices, mediation, conciliation, and facilitation based on dialogue, negotiation, and arbitration;
Calls on ECOWAS to concentrate its military resources on the fight against terrorists throughout the community space
Calls for targeted sanctions that do not aggravate the already precarious situation of citizens
Launches a strong appeal to ECOWAS and Heads of State to work for an immediate, inclusive, and lasting improvement of democratic governance, the fight against corruption, the protection of human rights, better opening of civic and political space in member states, to contribute more effectively to the co-construction of a true ECOWAS of the Peoples, as expressed in its Vision 2050.
Free, inclusive, and transparent elections (consensual electoral laws and voters lists) with independence of justice (without instrumentalization of justice in the service of powers and avoiding elections without opposition)
Opening of civic space (freedom of association, freedom of assembly, freedom of press and expression), and release of political prisoners and return of political exiles
Active inclusion of its Parliament, civil society, religious and traditional leaders in the construction and implementation of solutions
Calls on ECOWAS to finalize the “review process of the 2001 additional protocol on democracy and good governance”, as decided by the extraordinary summit of heads of state, on September 16th, 2021 in Accra, Ghana.
Calls on the African Union (AU) to put into practice the ‘’theme of silencing the guns ’’
Calls on ECOWAS and AU and the heads of state, for the acceleration of inclusive and sustainable economic and social development, better control, and local processing of raw materials and natural resources in the region for the benefit of citizens as well as the mobilization of ECOWAS with more dynamism, for the settlement of structural problems in the region that has a very negative impact on the lives of citizens Remains seized of the situation in NIGER and invites all civil society organizations to contribute actively to dialogue, peace, and social cohesion.
While affirming its full readiness to contribute,  alongside ECOWAS, the people of NIGER and all stakeholders, to a return to constitutional order, peace,  economic development, and Social cohesion added that the end of wars is not known hence it should be discouraged for the interest of women and children who suffer the most.


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