The Director General, Management, and Staff of the Department of State Services (DSS) have urged the Muslim faithful to be vigilant and continuous of their environment during the occasion of the Eid-Al-Adha celebration.

The Director, of PR and Strategic Communications Peter Afunanya, made the call on 15th June, 2024 in a message to felicitate with the Muslim Ummah on the occasion of Eid-Al-Adha. 

He said the significance of the event is an opportunity to offer prayers and celebrations, emphasizing the importance of faith, obedience, and generosity.

Accordingly, all citizens are enjoined to emulate these characteristics as bases for national transformation and unity. To this end, everyone is urged to show love, not only to their neighbors, but the country at large.

Also, it is strongly advised that while engaging in religious and social activities during the period, celebrants should be cautious and observe all necessary personal security procedures. Similarly, operators and patrons of malls, fun places, markets, parks, and railway stations among others are to be vigilant and ensure strict compliance with physical and other security measures required for public safety. They should promptly report suspected movements or breaches to appropriate law enforcement authorities.

On its part, the Service will maintain close collaboration with sister security agencies and indeed other critical stakeholders to ensure smooth and hitch-free celebrations. Meanwhile, the website, dss.gov.ng; email address – dsspr@dss.gov.ng and Telephone lines +2349153391309;+2349088373514 will remain available to the members of the public who may wish to contact the Service during and after the holidays.


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